
Friday, July 6, 2012

Boureki with Minced Meat (Rolls with Minced Meat)

Delicious, crunchy rolls, with onions, leek and spicy cheese. Serve them when you throw a party and they will steel the show!

  • a pack of filo pastry
  • 750g minced beef
  • 1 leek, finely chopped
  • 2 red onions, thinly sliced
  • ⅓ teacup of extra virgin olive oil
  • ⅓ teacup of white dry wine
  • 2 teacups of grated, spicy gruyere cheese
  • ½ bunch of parsley, finely chopped
  • ½ bunch of mint, finely chopped
  • salt
  • freshly ground pepper
Put the olive oil in a wide, shallow casserole and stir fry the minced meat for 6-7 minutes, until it changes colour. Add the onions and leek and stir fry for another 6-7 minutes, until they wilt.  Pour the wine in and wait for the alcohol to evaporate. Reduce heat, season with salt and pepper and put the lid on. Simmer for 20 minutes over low heat until the liquids reduce. Then add the herbs and the gruyere. Combine everything well and leave to cool completely. Cut each filo sheet into 4. Brush with oil. Spoon some of the filling on each quarter and roll it over. Pop them in a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper. Brush with olive oil and bake at 180ºC for 30 minutes until golden and crispy.
Alternatively: You can fry them if you wish.

portions 32
Preparation Time 30 minutes
Baking time 30 minutes


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