
Friday, February 24, 2012


  •     Pepper
  •     1 can chopped tomatoes
  •     Salt
  •     2 eggplants
  •     Dried thyme
  •     4 medium potatoes, cut in similar cubes
  •     Nutmeg
  •     5 large zuccini,
  •     2 bay leaves (dafni)
  •     1/2 cup olive oil
  •     2 onions
  •     4 cloves garlic


1. Chop zuccini, potatoes and eggplants to small cubes.

2. Chop onions into 4 pieces each and crush the garlic cloves.

3. Place all the vegetables in a baking pan and mix them together.

4. Add olive oil, a dash of nutmeg, a dash of thyme, the bay leaves as well as salt and pepper, mixing everything together well.

5. Preheat oven at medium heat and bake for an hour. Keep adding a little bit of water at intervals to make sure the mix doesnt fry in the pan.

6. Remove from oven, allow some time to cool and serve warm.

Note : Dish is suitable for vegetarians. Serves 4 people.


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