
Friday, February 24, 2012

Okra [ Bamies ]

  •     Pepper
  •     1kg (2 lb) okra
  •     Salt
  •     Parsley
  •     Sugar
  •     2 ripe tomatoes (or 1 can choped
  •     1 cup of olive oil
  •     1/2 cup vinegar
  •     2 onions


1. Remove stems from the okra and wash them well.

2. Place them in a bowl and sprinkle salt, pepper and 1/2 a cup of white wine vinegar over them.

3. Chop onions and saute them in a frying pan, using olive oil, till golden brown and tender.

4. Chop and mash the tomatoes and add them in a large pot. Add salt, a pinch of sugar, pepper, chopped parsley and 2 tablespoons olive oil.

5. Simer until the tomatoes have disolved completely.

6. Add the sauted onions, okra, and 1 cup warm water in the pot and turn the heat to high.

7. Boil for 30 minutes, stiring occasionaly, and adding a bit of water if needed.

8. Serve warm.


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