
Thursday, February 23, 2012

kalamaria Krasata [ Squids in winesauce ]

  •     4 tomatoes
  •     Parsley
  •     Salt
  •     Pepper
  •     1/2 cup whίte wine
  •     8 tablespoons of olive oil
  •     1Kg (2.1 lbs) kalamari (squid)


1. Peel and chop the tomates in cubes.
2. Clean squid and remove all intestines from the head bag.
3. Pour salt over squid and rub them with your bare hands.
4. Wash squid and drain all water.
5. Saute the squids in a frying pan.
6. Pour in 1/2 cup of wine and the choped tomatoes and stir well.
7. Add pepper andsome chopped parsley and stir.
8. Cover pan and cook over a medium heat until squid are soft. (about 35 minutes)
9. Add salt and pepper if required (taste).

Note : Can be served cold or hot. Goes well with rice.


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