
Friday, February 24, 2012

Gemista [ Stuffed Tomates ]

  •     10 medium to large tomatoes
  •     1 cup butter
  •     1 οnίοn
  •     250gr (.5 lb) minced meat
  •     1/2 cup rice
  •     Parsley
  •     Salt
  •     Pepper


1. Slice the top of each tomato and remove the innards with a spoon or your hand, keep the pulp in a bowl. (do not throw away the top portions of the tomatoes)

2. Use a sieve to drain the pulp and keep it in a bowl.

3. Use a large baking pan and arange the cleaned tomatoes in it.

4. Finely chop the onion and saute it in a frying pan wiht a bit of butter.

5. Add the minced meat and fry it in the pan for a few minutes while stiring.

6. Add rice, parsley, salt, pepper, and 1 cup of the tomato pulp.

7. Cover the pan and leave over a low heat for 15 minutes

8. Remove pan from heat and let it cool down.

9. Fill each tomato with the filling up to 4/5 of its capacity and cover with its top portion.

10. Add a small portion of butter on top of each tomato.

11. Fill the baking pan with the remaining tomato pulp.

12. Bake ίn medium heat oven for about 90 minutes

Note: It is common practice in Greece to use green peppers for this dish as well. Use the exact same procedure with the only diference being that you use for green peppers instead of tomates. (The filling is still from the tomatoes and not the peppers)


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