
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Charcoal Lamb Chops - (Arnaki Sta Karvouna)

Greek : Αρνάκι στα κάρβουνα

  • 1 kilo lamb chops, washed and drained
  • salt and pepper
  • ground cumin
  • 2 cups olive oil
  • 1 tbs. minced parsley
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 2 minced garlic cloves

Lay your chops out on a board. Sprinkle generously with the salt, pepper and cumin. Turn them over and sprinkle them again. Put them into a large bowl. Pour the oil and lemon juice over them and add the parsley and garlic. Toss it all together with your hands and arrange them so that they are sitting in the marinade. Cover tightly and marinade for a few hours or overnight. Barbecue the chops over an open pit. You want the coals hot, but be careful that it's not too intense and you burn the chops. You want to cook them slowly and serve them medium done. Lamb has a lot of fat and the oil of the marinade will drip into the coals as well, so watch out for flare-ups. Serve them sizzling hot with fresh lemons to squeeze over the meat. Susie's note: For those of you that have a fireplace, these chops can be done right in there if you carefully arrange the wood coals. It's also fun to do when you have company over, but again, be careful of flare-ups.

Source: Patty McDuffy, GREEK-RECIPE yahoo group

Beef with red sauce - (Moshari kokkinisto)

Submitted by Stephen McDermott
Preparation time about 10 minutes
Cooking time about 2 hours
Greek : Μοσχάρι κοκκινιστό
Serves / Yields : 6 servings
Season:All season

  • 1 ¼ kg beef (thigh)
  • 500g ripe tomatoes
  • 150g margarine
  • Salt and pepper


Chop the beef into six symmetrical pieces. In a medium sized saucepan add in the margarine and melt until it becomes hot, being careful not to burn it. Add in the beef and cook coating the beef in the margarine until the meat has become sealed, this is when the meat has gained a nice brown colour, add salt and pepper.
Prepare the tomatoes by grating them into a bowl, then add to the meat. Stir them well and add 300g of warm water. Leave to cook on a low heat for about 2 hours until when the sauce has reduce and become nice and thick.
Serve with wild rice or mashed potatoes and fried aubergines or fried potatoes. The meat can be cooked for this recipe without chopping into portions but it must be tied with string and left to cool after cooking then chopped into slices.


Beef stew with zucchini - (Vodino me kolokythakia)

Serves 5-6 persons
Source: Recipe is taken from Dora's Parisi book, Tastes of the Aegean.
A little tip from Dora: Always pour some hot water over cleaned onions, before roasting them. This makes the onions' taste less bitter and more sweet. One of Dora's secret in cooking is always to add a pinch of sugar on whatever you are cooking.
Greek : Βοδινό με κολοκυθάκια

  • 1 kg beef, cut in servings
  • 1 kg medium size zucchini
  • 1 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 2 medium onions, cut in thin slices
  • 2 tomatoes, peeled
  • 1 cube of vegetable stock
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Pinch of sugar
  • parsley
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Use a large saucepan for this recipe. Saute the onions in 1 cup of olive oil. Then add the beef and saute it in all sides. Add parsley, salt, pepper, the vegetable cube stock, the tomatoes (cut in pieces), sugar, garlic and some water. Let the meat boil. Then wash the zucchini well, scrape them, cut them in round slices or cubes and saute them in the rest of olive oil (1/2 cup). Finally add them into the saucepan and boil together with the meat until meat is tender and left only with its oil. Add more water if required.

Beef stew with cauliflower - (Vodino sti katsarola me kounoupidi)

This recipe resembles the Beef stew with zucchini recipe, except that less oil is required and cauliflower is used instead of zucchini.
Greek : Βοδινό στη κατσαρόλα με κουνουπίδι
Serves / Yields : 5 - 6 persons

  • 1 kg beef, cut in servings
  • 1 kg cauliflower
  • 2 onions, cut in slices
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 2 tomatoes, peeled and cut in small pieces
  • 1 cube of vegetable stock
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • parsley
  • Pinch of sugar
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Use a large saucepan and saute the onions with one cup of olive oil. Add beef and saute in all sides. Add parsley , the cube, salt, pepper, garlic and some water. Let the meat simmer. In the meanwhile heat the cauliflower in hot water. Then, cut it in pieces and add the pieces into the saucepan. Let the meat simmer until tender and all water is absorbed. Add more water if required.


Beef slices in a rich sauce from Cephallonia - (Kokkinisto apo ti Kefallonia)

This is the most delicious recipe for 'Kokkinisto"
It is a kefallonian recipe. The sauce produced is the most richest delicious sauce I've ever tasted.

Greek : Κοκκινιστό από τη Κεφαλλονιά
Serves / Yields : 4
Season:All season
Region : Cephallonia

  • However many beef slices req'd. 1 - 2cms thick
  • 1 large onion finely chopped
  • 2 - 3 large garlic cloves finely chopped
  • 5 v.ripe toms grated + 1/3 carton of tomato puree ( or, if making this dish in winter, 3/4 of a carton of tomato puree - a lot is needed)
  • 5-6 cloves
  • olive oil
  • salt and black pepper
  • whole, peeled potatoes (opt.)


In enough olive oil, to just cover the base of a large, deep cooking pot or a large, heavy - based frying pan, gradually brown the meat slices all over and then add the onion and the garlic. off the heat, if the oil is already, after a few minutes place back on the ring and add enough water to half cover the meat slices, the tomato , PLENTY of salt and pepper and the cloves. A lot is needed as more water is usually required later. Leave to cook on quite a high heat and for the meat to become tender. If it looks like the sauce is reducing and the meat isn't tender enough, as sometimes, especially on the Greek islands the local meat is tougher, add a tumbler of water. When the meat is almost tender, you can add a few whole potatoes to cook in the sauce.  The ideal result is to have tender meat in a delicious thick sauce.  As a starter some sauce is served with pasta (and grated cheese) or rice and as a main meal with the potatoes or just with pasta or rice.


Beef Casserole with Onions - (Stifado)

Serve with fresh bread.
Greek : Στιφάδο
Serves / Yields : 4 persons

  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 small sprig of rosemary
  • 1 kg tender beef, cut into large cubes
  • 900 ml water
  • 2 tablespoons tomato puree
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 4-6 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 700 grams small onions (the pickling size), peeled and left whole
  • 1 small glass red wine
  • 5 cm cinnamon stick
  • 1 teaspoon demerara sugar
  • 5 grains allspice

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan and brown the meat in it. It will produce a lot of moisture but continue until it has all evaporated and the meat starts to turn golden. Slowly pour the vinegar over it and, when the steam subsides, add the wine. Then add all the remaining ingredients except the vegetable oil, onions and sugar, cover and cook slowly for 1 hour or until the meat is almost tender.  Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and add as many onions in one layer as it will take. Sautee them gently for about 15 minutes, shaking and turning them over until they brown lightly. Lift them out with a slotted spoon and spread them over the meat, distributing them evenly. Repeat until all the onions are done. Sprinkle the sugar over the onions, cover and cook very gently for 30 minutes, until the onions are soft but not disintegrating. Do not stir once the onions have been added, but rotate the saucepan occasionally to coat them in the sauce

Baked rabbit with mushrooms - (Kouneli sto fourno me manitaria)

AB magazine, Spring 2003
Greek : Κουνέλι στο φούρνο με μανιτάρια
Serves / Yields : 4 - 6 persons

  • 1 rabbit, around 1,5 kg, cut in servings
  • 1 cup mushrooms, washed and cut in medium size pieces
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper

  • 3 spoons olive oil
  • 2 spoons flour
  • 1,5 glass fresh - lukewarm milk
  • 1 cup parmezan cheese, finely grated
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Nutmeg

Marinate the rabbit pieces and the mushrooms in olive oil. Add salt and pepper and put in fridge for an hour. Place them in a baking pan and bake in 180 C for 40 - 50 minutes. Prepare the sauce as follows: Heat olive oil and add flour. Pour gradually the milk and stir constantly until the sauce starts to thicken. Do not let the sauce get to thick. When it starts to thicken remove from heat and add salt, pepper, parmezan cheese and nutmeg. When the rabbit gets ready serve in plates together with mushrooms and pour over spoons of sauce.


Baked lamb with yoghurt sauce - (Arni sto fourno me saltsa yiaourtiou)

  • 1 kg of lamb, cut in medium size portions (preferably choose leg)
  • 4 spoons butter
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • For the sauce

  • 500 grams strained yoghurt
  • 2 glasses milk
  • 1 spoon corn flour
  • 4 eggs
Season the lamb pieces with salt and pepper. Place them in a saucepan and add garlic, lemon juice, butter and one glass of water. Bring to boil and then let the meat simmer for 45 minutes. Remove lamb from saucepan and place it in a baking pan. Strain the meat's sauce and pour it in the baking pan. Let the meat bake in 190 C for 1 hour. 10 minutes before the end of time start preparing the yoghurt sauce. Mix in a bowl all the necessary ingredients. Spread the mixture on top of the baking pan and bake for 10 more minutes. Serve hot. 

Baked Lamb with oil and oregano - (Arni ladorigani sto fourno)

Greek : Αρνί λαδορίγανη στο φούρνο

    Serves 6 persons
  • 1,5 kg lamb (front part preferred)
  • 1/4 tea cup olive oil
  • Juice of two lemons
  • 1 spoon oregano (if fresh then better!)
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Wash the lamb, and dredge with salt, pepper and oregano. Place it into a baking pan and pour the olive oil and the lemon juice. Add 1 cup of water and bake in 180 - 200 C until it is well baked. At regular intervals pour the lamb's sauce on top of the lamb.


Atzem Pilaf - (Atzem Pilafi)


Greek : Αντζέμ πιλάφι
Serves / Yields : 6 -10 persons
Season:All season

  • 3 pounds lamb, cut medium size cubes
  • 1/2 pound butter
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 1/2 pounds tomatoes, peeled and strained ( or 1 tablespoon tomato paste diluted with 1 cup water)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 8 cups water
  • 4 cups raw rice

Wash and dry the meat. Brown 2/3 of the butter in a large pot. Add meat and brown on all sides. Add onions and continue to cook until they become a light golden color. Add tomatoes or diluted tomato paste, and the salt, pepper and water. Cover pot and simmer until meat is tender, about 1 hour. Put meat into casserole and keep it warm. Strain the remaining sauce and measure it. Add water if necessary to make 8 or 9 cups. Pour into the pot and bring to a boil. Add rice. Stir at the start to prevent sticking. Cover and simmer until most of the liquid is absorbed, 20 to 30 min. Remove from heat. Add meat and mix well. Brown remaining butter and pour it over the rice. Serve hot.


Artichoke moussaka - (Mousakas me agginares)


Greek : Μουσακάς με αγγινάρες
Serves / Yields : 6 persons

  • 15 artichokes
  • 1 bunch spring onions, finely chopped
  • 1 bunch dill, finely chopped
  • 1/2 kg minced meat (pork or beef)
  • 2 spoons butter
  • 1 tomato, not to ripe
  • 3 lemons
  • Some oil
    For the cream
  • 1 lt warm milk
  • 8 spoons flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 4-5 spoons butter
  • Piquant kefalotyri chese, grated
  • Some grated hard tack

Clean the artichokes. Slice the stem of the artichokes and remove the outer leaves, which are hard in texture. Rub each artichoke with the lemon and put all of them in a saucepan full of salted water. Boil them and when they are ready remove from heat and drain.

Prepare the minced meat. Heat the oil in a saucepan, roast the onions, add the butter and the minced meat. Stir well. Add some water and the tomato and simmer until all water is absorbed. When ready remove from heat and add half of the dill.

Cut the artichokes in pieces and spread them in a baking pan along with the minced meat. Then, prepare the cream as the following instructions indicate: Heat the butter in a saucepan and add the flour. Add gradually the warm milk and stir until the cream thickens. This is the procedure for making the bechamel sauce, which is used as topping in moussaka and pasticio. Do not let the cream boil. Remove from heat. Beat the eggs well and add them with half of the cheese and the rest of the dill

Spread the cream on top of the artichokes and the minced meat. Pour over the rest of the cheese and the hard tack and add also some pieces of fresh butter. Bake the moussaka in 200 C until it takes a brown color.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tuna fish salad - (Tonosalata)


Greek : Τοματοσαλάτα
Serves / Yields : 4 persons

  • 1 tin tuna fish
  • 4 lettuce leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 green pepper, chopped
  • 1 diced cucumber, cut in slices
  • 1 tomato, chopped
  • Some Corn (from a tin or fresh), optional
  • Juice of one lemon
  • Oil
  • Salt

Break up tuna fish and mix with lettuce, pepper, cucumber, tomato, corn, some oil and salt. Pour over lemon juice and serve.


Tomato Feta Cheese Salad - (Salata me domata kai feta)

This recipe is one of my mistakes that I really enjoy. I was making a Tomato Mozzarella Basil Salad when I screwed up my own recipe.
I like to make by scratch using the ingredients by just adding.
Chef Giovanni Romagnole
Greek : Σαλάτα με ντομάτα και φέτα
Serves / Yields : 4 - 6 persons
Season:All season

  • Firm Vine tomatoes Greek olives in oil - 1 hand full
  • Crumbled Fetta cheese
  • Fresh basil Leaves
  • Olive Oil - 1/2 cup
  • Balsamic Vinegar - about 1/2 cup
  • Salt
  • Fresh Pepper to taste
  • Chopped basil - 1 tablespoon
  • Chopped garlic - 1 glove

For about 6 good firm tomatoes:

Cut the tomatoes in quarters and then cut the quarters in halves crosswide.
Be careful not to touch the tomatoes too much. They water (cry) very fast and easy.

Place the tomatoes in layers in a bowl alternating with some basil leaves and olives mixed in between layers of the tomatoes, use about 20 leaves of basil and a hand full of olives for this recipe. Top the salad with the remaining olives and basil leaves.
Grind some fresh pepper over the tomatoes and sprinkle with sea salt.
Place the tomatoes in the refrigerator until serving time.

Balsami Vinegar Dressing:
In a small deep bowl put the olive oil, a dash of salt and fresh pepper to taste.
Whisk well adding the balsamic vinegar little by little until emulsify the mxture. Add the chopped basil and garlic and whisk well for a few more minutes.
Place the dressing in the refrigerator until serving time. You might need to whisk it again before serving.

Serving the Salad:
Whisk the dressing if necessary before serving.
Poor the dressing over the tomatoes and then top the salad with a hand full of crumbled Fetta Cheese.
Tossed before serving to mix the cheese. 

Buon Appetito,
Chef Giovanni

Tomato and Cucumber Salad - (Agourodomata)


Greek : Αγγουροντομάτα
Serves / Yields : 4 persons


  • 4 ripe tomatoes
  • 2 large cucumbers
  • 0live oil
  • oregano
  • Vinegar
  • Salt

Clean the tomatoes and cut them in wedges. Peel cucumbers and cut them in thin slices. Place them into a bowl. Add olive oil, oregano and salt. Sprinkle vinegar over the salad and serve.


Summer Salad from Vafios Lesvos - (Salata Vafios)

This is the recipe of a salad, which is prepared by one of the best restaurants in the region of Molivos - Lesvos. The restaurant is called Vafios.
The salad is a slight variation of Greek salad, with the addition of rusks and kefalotyri cheese.
Greek : Σαλάτα Βαφειός
Region : Lesvos

  • Fresh tomatoes, cleaned and cut in slices
  • cucumber, washed and cut in slices (keep them unpeeled)
  • Green pepper,cut in stripes
  • parsley
  • Feta cheese, cut in small cubes
  • Kefalotyri cheese, cut in small cubes
  • onion, sliced
  • Pieces of rusks
  • olive oil
  • Salt
  • olives
Place all ingredients in a bowl. The rusks should be placed into the bottom of the bowl, in order to be soaked in olive oil and soften. Feta, kefalotyri cheese, parsley and olives should be better at the top of the salad.

Note:The portion of each ingredient is your choice. Try to keep a balance between all ingredients. Do not forget to pour olive oil!
