
Friday, February 24, 2012

Revithosoupa [ Chik-pea Soup ]

  •     1/2 Kg [1 lb] chick peas
  •     2 tablespoons soda
  •     4 small onions
  •     1 cup of olive oil
  •     salt
  •     1 lemon



1. Place chick peas in a large bowl and cover with warm water.
2. Leave chick peas to soak overnight.
3. Drain water and add soda.
4. Allow an hour to pass and then rub the chick peas with your hands to loosen their skin.
5. Rinse and put them in a pan.
6. Add water to cover the chick peas.
7. Bring water to boil.
8. Remove the scum.
9. Peel and add the onions.
10. Cover and simmer for aproximately 2 hours, (check to see if the chick peas are tender and allow additional time if they are not).
11. Add oil and salt.
12. Simmer for a few more minutes.
13. Squize some lemon in the soup and server.

Creates 4 servings.


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