
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pasta Pie [Makaronopita]

  •     Pepper
  •     4 eggs
  •     Salt
  •     250ml (0.270 quarts) milk
  •     Olive oil
  •     Vinegar
  •     500g (1lb) hard flour
  •     butter
  •     1 pack of no.10 pasta
  •     500g (1lb) Feta Cheese


1. In a large bowl mix the flour with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon vinegar and 1 tablespoon of salt. Add enough water to mix the ingredients into a dough.
2. once the dough is ready separate it into 2 portions. Place each portion in a bowl and cover each with a towel. Set them aside for about 60 minutes (room temperature).
3. melt about 100g of butter and mix it in a bowl with 100g of olive oil.
4. Once the 60 minutes have passed take one of the dough portions and lay out flat and as thin as possible. Use a pastry brush and brush the dough with the butter and olive oil mixture. Make a ball out of the greased dough and wrap it in some cling film. Repeat the same procedure for the second portion of the dough and then place both in the refrigerator for another 60 minutes.
5. In the meantime boil the pasta according to the time frame specified on the package. While the pasta is boiling, crumble the feta cheese, beat 4 eggs in a bowl and then add 250ml milk and the feta cheese in the bowl. Stir the ingredients in the bowl together and add some salt and pepper.
6. Drain the past and then return it to the pan along with 100g of butter.
7. Pour the egg and cheese mix in the pan with the past and mix together.
8. Remove the dough portions from the refrigerator (after 60 minutes) and layout one of the portions on the bottom of a slightly greased (at least 5cm deep) baking pan, allowing for the pastry to cover the sides of the pan as well.
9. Pour the pasta mix inside over the laid out pastry in the baking pan and then cover it with the remaining dough (after you roll it out) allowing the dough to slightly go over the edge of the pan.
10. Slightly brush the top portion of the dough with some butter/olive oil mix.
11. Bake in a preheated oven for aprox. 60minutes at 180c [350F].


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