
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mixed omelette

  •     1 green pepper
  •     100gr (0.25) peas
  •     Pepper
  •     1 country style sausage
  •     Salt
  •     3 eggs
  •     100gr (0.25) grated gruere cheese
  •     2 medium potatoes
  •     Olive Oil
  •     1 large onion


1. Slice sausage and onion into thin pieces
2. In a frying pan saute onions along with the sausage using a little bit of olive oil. When ready remove from pan and set aside.
3. Cut potates into strips and fry in the same pan after adding some more olive oil. Remove from heat when potatoes are soft.
4. In a bowl beat 2 eggs adding some salt and pepper.
5. Chop green pepper into thin slices and add to the bowl with the beaten eggs, adding also the onions and sausage as well as the potatoes and the peas.
6. Mix gently together while slowly adding the grated cheese, but do not beat.
7. Add more olive oil to the frying pan, if required, and pour in the egg mix.
8. Allow time for the omelete to cook, over a medium heat, and fold it over using a spatula.
9. When brown on one side flip it over till other side is brown too.
10. Serve hot.

Note : Serves two.


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