
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Melitzanosalata [ Eggplant Salad ]

  •     1 οnion
  •     4 eggplants
  •     Salt
  •     Pepper
  •     2 cloves of garlic
  •     1 tomato
  •     3/4 cup olive oil
  •     1 tablespoon vinegar


1. Wash all vegetables well.
2. Grate onion and place in a bowl. (do not use a very big onion)
3. Cut tomato into small pieces and set aside.
4. Crush garlic and set aside.
3. Preheat oven at medium heat.
4. Put eggplants in a baking pan and bake them in moedium heat until they become soft (aprox. 1 hour). Dont worry if the eggplant skins burn a little.
5. Take eggplants out of the oven and while still hot remove their skin.
6. Cut eggplants into small pieces over a large bowl.
7. Add onion, garlic, tomato, olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper and blend together.(Depending on the texture you want the dish to have you can either use a wire sift and lightly mix it or use an electric mixer and create the more creamy version).


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