
Friday, February 24, 2012

Artichokes in Oil

  •     salt
  •     8 artichokes
  •     1 tablespoon flour
  •     1/2 cup of thinly chopped parsley
  •     250gr (.5 lb) small onions
  •     1 cup olive oil
  •     250gr (.5 lb) chopped onions
  •     pepper
  •     2 lemons (squized)
  •     3 sliced carrots


Cut the stems of the artichokes (about 5cm [2inches] from the bud). Remove the outside layer of leaves and cut the top off (about 2cm [1inch]). Also remove the heart (choke).

Peel the base of the artichokes and rub them in lemon.
Place the chpped and small onions in a flat pan and spread them out evenly. Add the carrots and then arange the artichokes in the pan, side by side.

Add oil, salt and pepper. Dilute the lemon juice with a cup of water pour in the pan. Sprinkle the chpped parsley over the artichokes.

Cover the pan with a piece of foil after making a hole in it (preferably around the center) and bake in moderate heat.

Served hot or cold.


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