
Friday, October 14, 2011

Octopus with pasta

This is another seafood dish. Octopus is easily obtained in Greece and there are several ways of cooking and serving it. This is a simple recipe with small pasta - the type used for minestrone - and is delicious served with grated cheese.


1 medium size octopus
1/2 kg pasta for minestrone
1 teacup slightly concentrated tomato juice
1/2 teacup olive oil
1 medium size onion
Salt and pepper


Clean the octopus under cold water.

Discard the head and ink and keep the tentacles.

Cut the tentacles into small pieces.

Heat the oil and gently fry the onion.

Add the pieces of octopus and stir for another 5 minutes.

Add 1 litre of water and bring to the boil.

Add the tomato juice and simmer for 1 hour.

Transfer the octopus and the liquid to an oven dish - the liquid should be reduced to about 3/4 litre - and bring to the boil.

Add the seasoning.

Add the pasta and stir.

Bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes or until the water has been absorbed and the pasta is tender.

Serve with grated cheese.

You can find here more recipes likes this...

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