
Friday, October 21, 2011

Greek Pumpkin Pie With Homemade Filo Pastry - Kolokithopita

I love these pies! They have the sweet, juicy taste of the pumpkin and the delicious filo pastry. I personally eat them with cream, but then I eat cream with just about everything! As in the recipe for Spinach Pie (Spanakopita), this recipe tells you how to make the filo pastry yourself.


For the Filo Pastry

½ kg hard flour
150g butter
½ teaspoon salt

For the filling

500g grated pumpkin
100g raisins
150g sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
50g icing sugar

Preparation of Filo pastry

Mix the flour with the salt and enough water to make the dough pliable but not moist.
Knead the dough well and then divide it into 9 equal parts
Make a ball from each of the parts.
Leave the balls on a floured dish for at least 1 hour, covered with cling film.

Flatten 3 of the balls so that they have a diameter of 20cm
Place these one on top of the other, spreading melted butter between each of the 3 layers. Sprinkle some flour on top of the top layer. When you have done this, cover it with cling film and set it aside.
Repeat this process, so that you have 3 filos with 3 layers each.
Take the first one and, with a rolling pin flatten it out so that it has 60cm diameter.
Spread butter over it.

Preparation of the Filling

Remove the skin of the pumpkin, grate it and drain well.
Mix all the ingredients apart from the icing sugar in a bowl.

Spread 1/3 of the filling you have prepared evenly over the surface of the first filo.

Make a hole in the centre and fold the filo from the centre outwards so that you end up with a circular ‘tube’ with the filling in it.

Cut this anywhere, so that you have a single long cylinder.

Cut this into 6 equal parts.

Seal the ends of each part.

Roll the right-hand section away from you with your right hand and the left-hand section towards you with your left hand.

Take the parts and roll them each into coils (see photo at top).

Place them in a shallow, buttered oven dish.

Repeat the process with the other 2 filos.

Spread butter over all of them and bake them in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes or until they have a golden colour.

Remove the pies and sprinkle icing sugar over them.

You can find here more recipes likes this...

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