
Monday, October 24, 2011

Greek Orange Spoon Sweet (Gliko Koutaliou Portokali)

It's common practice in Greece if you visit someone during the day or early evening, to be offered a spoon sweet, or 'gliko koutaliou'. This is a sweet made from fruit and kept in a jar, to be served on sweet dish (preferrable glass) whenever someone comes. All types of fruit are used, but this particular recipe is for orange. It's really easy to make and is a delightful sweet to eat.


4 large seedless oranges – preferably with a thick skin.
Sugar – the same weight as the oranges after they have been boiled.


Wash the oranges and thinly slice off the top and tail.

Put them in a pan with enough water to cover them and boil for 1 hour.

Let them cool and then weigh them.

Cut in half horizontally and then cut the halves in half vertically.

Cut the quarters into thin slices – 1cm approx.

Empty the water from the pan and put the oranges in.

Add the same weight of sugar.

Bring to the boil and then simmer until it becomes a syrup – not too thick. This should be about 30 minutes.

Put the hot sweet into hot sterilised jars and save.

You can find here more recipes likes this...

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