
Friday, October 14, 2011

Cuttlefish with spinach (Soupies me spanaki)

This is a dish traditionally eaten on Clean Monday, which is the beginning of the Lent period before Easter - March 2 this year. Of course, it can also be a delicious side dish at any time of the year.

1 kg cuttlefish
1 kg spinach
1 onion grated
1 tablespoon tomato paste
3 cloves garlic
100 ml olive oil
Salt and pepper


Clean the cuttlefish, removing the ink, the eye and the hard white bone inside the stomach. Keep just the white fillet and tentacles.

Cut the fillet into approx. 4cm pieces.

Put the oil in a shallow pan, add the onion and fry for 3 minutes.

Add the chopped garlic and continue frying for another 1 minute.

Add the cuttlefish and continue frying for another 5 minutes.

Dilute the tomato paste in a glass of water, add to the mixture and simmer for 40 minutes.

Add the spinach, along with salt and pepper and stir.

With the pan uncovered, allow the mixture to simmer until nearly all the water is absorbed.

You can find here more recipes likes this...

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