
Friday, October 21, 2011

Cuttlefish With Rice (Soopyes me Rizi)

We have previously had two other recipes with cuttlefish (soopyes) - Cuttlefish with Potatoes and Cuttlefish with Spinach. This is a recipe that uses the ink from the fish in the rice. It gives it a delicious taste and a lot of people love this dish. Again, it's not difficult to prepare.


1 kg cuttlefish
1/3 kg pilaf rice
1 medium onion chopped
5 cloves crushed garlic
100 ml olive oil
1 litre warm water
Salt and pepper


Clean the cuttlefish well, keeping the fillet, tentacles and ink.

Cut the fish into pieces.

In a medium size pan gently fry the oil, add the onion and fry for 3 minutes.

Add the crushed garlic and fry for a further 1 minute.

Add the cuttlefish (not the ink) and fry for another 5 minutes.

Add the 1 litre of warm water and simmer for 45 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat, remove the cuttlefish with a colander ladle and set aside on a plate.

Add the ink to the remaining liquid and stir well.

Add the rice, which should be ½ the volume of the liquid (it may not be exactly the ½ kg listed above).

Simmer at the lowest temperature for 15 minutes.

When the rice is ready add the pieces of cuttlefish and shake the pan so that it mixes with the rice.

Serve warm.

You can find here more recipes likes this...

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