
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Artichokes a la Polita

This is a nice light and healthy meal, which is fairly quick and simple to prepare. It's called "a la Polita" as it came originally from the Greeks living in the"Poli" as they called - and still do call - Constantinoupolis.


6 artichokes
6 medium-sized potatoes cut into round slices
2 medium-sized carrots sliced
1 medium-sized onion
Small bunch of anise finely chopped
1 lemon
Olive oil
1 teaspoon all-purpose flour
Salt and pepper to taste


Discard the outer leaves of the artichokes and rub the remaining hearts with the lemon.

Leave them in a bowl of cold water along with the used lemon while you prepare the other vegetables.

Heat the oil in a shallow pan and when it is moderately hot, add the onion, the artichokes cut in half, the potatoes and carrots.

Stir them well and add just enough water to cover them, along with the anise and the seasoning.

Continue cooking until the vegetables are tender and the remaining juice is no more than a glassful.

Dilute the flour in cold water (2-3 teaspoonfuls) and add it to the vegetables.

Allow it to boil just for 2-3 seconds and then remove from the heat.

You can find here more recipes likes this...

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